boy have times changed.
This would be me if I was not so lazy
I am a high heel wearing machine now! And I'm going to teach you my tricks to lasting through the day in a pair of heels!
Get the right shoe
Under pressure
Now the laws of physics mean that when you place a large weight on top of a small surface area then the pressure on that area is greater, and pressure equals PAIN. When you are wearing high heels you are placing all your body weight on just the balls of your feet instead of your whole foot so after a while your feet will hurt.
Whole lot of body weight and not enough surface to balance it on!
So what is the solution? spread your weight! aka. a wedge heel!
Not only are they stylish but because they spread your weight over a surface area the same size as your foot the pressure and therefore pain is dramatically reduced! whoever said science and fashion don't mix?
Support that Ankle
When you are wearing an open top heel, even if it's a wedge heel, your foot is most likely constantly battling to stay in place and not slip out.
Cute but deadly
When you are walking your ankle will move first and your foot will tense to try to keep the shoe in place. Even if you don't notice it, it is extra effort on your legs, and effort equals PAIN!
So the solution? buy shoes that have support across your ankle as well as over the top of your foot, this can be in the form of straps or boots that go up to the ankle.
with your ankle supported your feet will slip less and it will be easier on your feet and legs to walk, also less blisters since your foot will move around less and therefore less rubbing.
Don't cramp your toes
excessive high heel wearing can lead to health problems in your feet, sad but true. Most commonly it can cause bunions, which is where your bones have been pushed in an awkward way to the point that they shift, and a lump forms by the joint. You need surgery to place the bone in the correct position again. I'll spare you the grizzly details, google it if you want to be scarred for life with pictures of extreme cases.
The lead cause of this is wearing high heels, in particular, the kind with pointy tips that crush your toes, and crushing your toes equals PAIN.
Devil shoes
If you are spending all day everyday crushing your toes into a small point, it's not good for you. So go for shoes that have a rounded tip as your day-to-day heels.
Train your feet
oh how I despise them, even in flat shoes I will inevitably get them. Sad to say there is no real cure for them, if a shoe's gotta rub a shoe's gotta rub, but there is hope at the end of the tunnel!
After the blister heals the skin in that area will get harder and stronger, to the point that blisters will no longer form! You just have to train your feet to wear the shoes until your foot is hard in all the right places and blisters will no longer be a problem!
HOWEVER! Each shoe likes to rub in different places, so each pair of new shoes will require training. The hardened areas will also fade over time so if you don't wear a pair of shoes for a long time your feet will need to be trained again.
HOWEVER! Each shoe likes to rub in different places, so each pair of new shoes will require training. The hardened areas will also fade over time so if you don't wear a pair of shoes for a long time your feet will need to be trained again.
Also the stage before the blister has healed is pretty damn painful, so my advice to deal with the training pain is to wear stockings or socks, and plasters until the blister has healed. Also make sure the shoe is a good size so as to avoid excess rubbing.
Heel Hight
It takes time for your feet to adjust from being constantly flat to constantly curved, so you need to train your feet to gain in hight little by little, start off with a low heel and work your way up once you feel confident enough.
As a starter shoe I highly recommend trainer high heels, they tend to be the most comfortable yet give you the extra height and leg definition as high heels. They also make a great day-to-day shoe.
Some of my best shoes have been trainer heels, they are wedges, support your ankle, made of a soft material, and also since you wear socks with them blisters are minimal.
Plan ahead
When you are breaking in a new set of heels, you need to challenge yourself to wear them without going so far as to ruin your day by hobbling home crying in pain. So plan ahead! Wear them for a walk down the high street first, or maybe to work for a day where you can sit down. DON'T be fooled that when you wore them round house or in the store they were fine, standing or sitting is not the same as walking for 10 minutes straight on wonky pavement.
Try to push your limits but don't end up like me, on a shopping trip with the boyfriend, looking fabulous but extremely angry since I've gone past my pain threshold....poor guy never saw it coming...
Some shoes you may last a day at work in, but a night out clubbing or a shopping trip not so much. Build up your endurance bit by bit.
Wrapping up
Now naturally you can wear any kind of shoe you want, if you really want those ankle supportless pointy stick heeled shoes go for it, this is just a guide for daily long term high heel wearing. With a good shoe and some good training you can be the high heel wearing bad ass you always wanted to be.